2020 AAOP 46th Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium

Welcome to online registration for the 46th Academy Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium.

Academy Member - Please verify your membership below using your username and email address to be taken directly to member registration.

Non-Members - I want to Join! - If you are certified in O&P or work in the O&P field as a clinical professional, you can JOIN TODAY to SAVE UP TO $350 on your registration for the Annual Meeting. You will be returned to the member registration page after joining.

Exhibitors - If you are an exhibitor, please select "Exhibit Booth Staff" to access the booth staff registration page.

Preliminary Details

Exhibit Booth Staff

Yes, I have read and agree to the Academy Annual Meeting & Scientific Symposium Code of Conduct.

ExpoTrac Registration Services
Online Convention Registration by
ExpoTrac Registration Services